The sun is setting on a meadow and a deer is drinking from a fountain, appearing from nowhere, a mysterious stranger walks up to you to read your future. Listen to her words, throw a wish in the clear water and go on a magic journey to get closer to your soul. Our jewelry is the ticket for this beautiful universe carried by white magic and fueled by centuries old legends.
The name La Fontana, derived from our founder Mara Lafontan, is a reference to her ancestors and to the mythical history of the fountain. Whether it is the Fountain of Youth, if you wish to throw a coin in the Trevi fountain or simply to quench your thirst on a hot day, fountains have been the center of many legends and promise prosperity, youth and purity to those who wander nearby. It is not by accident that this name was chosen, La Fontana’s calling is to pass on good vibrations and soothe everyday’s troubles.